Collecting Judgments Goes Unoticed By The Population At Large
If you are reading this blog searching for information about judgment collecting - then congratulations!! You are just one of the 1600 people that searches for information on this subject on average each month. For those unaware, Google provides search information freely on keywords or search terms, listing the monthly search traffic for any given word or phrase. What is the significance of only 1600 people searching out information about "judgment collecting"? Keep reading….
Although only 1600 people on average seek out this information, there is over $230 billion dollars each year in judgment money that goes uncollected. That is $143,750,000 for each person that searched the keyword term, "judgment collecting".
Civil Judgment And The People That Actively Seek Out This Information
There are three different types of people that are actively seeking out this information: 1) people that have had civil judgments placed against them and are seeking information about what they should do to avoid collection; 2) people that have been awarded a civil judgment and are looking for information on how to collect their judgment; 3) people that are looking for information or a course about how to get in the business of judgment collecting to profit from collecting part of the $230 billion in awarded civil judgments on the books in the United States.
If you are a part of group one, this blog may be helpful if only in terms of learning what kind of collection practices are used to collect the civil judgment that has be placed against you and or your assets. If you are a member of the second group, you can benefit greatly from the information provided on this blog and gain the knowledge needed to help you collect the money you have been awarded by the courts. However, if you are a member of the third group searching for information to learn how to make money judgment collecting, then this blog is specifically for you.
Grabbing Your Part Of $230 Billion In Awarded Judgments
$230 billion is a very LARGE sum of money and a large percentage of this sum is collectable. But we must first understand what an awarded judgment is in terms of the legal point of view. A judgment awarded by the court to a specific party is a set sum of money that is awarded by the court in the form of compensation for an injury or wrong suffered by the winning party or simply, when one party sues another and is awarded the judgment in the form of cash by court order. Unfortunately, gaining the award is the easy part, collecting the money is very often the difficult part of the process. The courts do not participate in the collection process. Collection of the judgment or money is the responsibility of the winning party. Since the court systems only provide the power or right to collect the cash with no advice on how to collect the money, many times the winning party often considers the services of an attorney. Unfortunately, many attorneys will not even consider the case unless the amount of the awarded civil judgment is over $10,000. However, some attorneys will accept cases for less then $10,000 but this can be expensive with a retainer fee usually paid up front and billable hours in some cases in excess of $150.00 per hour, which can quickly erode the amount of money collected if any at all. This is why almost 80% of all awarded judgments go uncollected and why people that have the knowledge and know how of judgment collecting are making a mint collecting civil judgments for others.
The Courts Do Provide Judgment Collecting Tools
The courts may not collect awarded judgments but they do provide a variety of tools that are available to the winning parties. One of the most popular methods is garnishment. If the party that owes the money is employed, a garnishment can be exercised with the full power and weight of the courts. Once the place of employment is located, you can simply have the courts or local sheriff’s office deliver the instructions to the employer to garnish the wages of the party that owes the money. Each pay period the employer will send out a check to the winning party. In some states the winning party can collect up to twenty-five percent of each paycheck.
Bank levies are another way of collecting judgments. In this case the collector will supply the proper paper work to the bank along with a court order and the bank will hold or freeze the account of the person and will hold the money in some cases for up to 21 days, allowing the collectiong of money.
Another way is to place liens on of the property owned by the party that owes the judgment. Once the property is sold, funds are paid in escrow to the winning party once the sale is final. There are a variety of ways to enforce a judgment with full backing of the courts and legal system guaranteeing your rights as the judgment winner.
Most Judgment Winners Will Give Up In Frustration
As is often the case, most judgment winners will give up in frustration because of the lack of knowledge and information about judgment collecting. 80% of all awarded judgments go uncollected offering opportunity for enterprising people that have acquired the necessary knowledge to collect judgments. You can learn more by visiting to gain the necessary knowledge to be profitable in judgment collecting or if you are a judgment winner, this course can help you get the money you were awarded by the courts.